lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

First day, Monday 1st July

I just arrived to the place I will stay during this trip. My uncle used to live here so he helped me choosing somewhere to sleep, places to visit and people that are into volunteering.
I am staying with a family that are friends of my uncle and are into volunteering. I am very grateful that they already made an itinerary form me. I just read it and it seems to be very fun.
I will put it for you next:

01/06: touristic visit of the capital of the country: Montevideo.

02/06 to 05/06: Meeting the people of “Teleton” and start volunteering.

06/06 to 09/06: Meeting the people of “Un Techo Para Mi País” and start volunteering.

10/06 to 13/06: Meeting the people of “Animales sin hogar”and start volunteering.

14/06: Last day- airport at 10 am.

This family seems to be very happy with me as I am with them, they are very kind and helped me a lot feeling comfortable.
They brought me from the airport just before breakfast and we just ate a typical food from Uruguay that i really liked called asado and then something from dessert called dulce de leche. They told me I have two hours to take a rest and then we will go to "Ciudad Vieja" the center of affairs of Montevideo. I am taking this time to write and i will sleep a little bit then.
See you soon, i will try to write at the end of the day.

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