lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Teleton, last day (05/06)

 It's Friday night, i just finished the first step of volunteering.
Since de second day until today i was doing volunteering at Teleton.

It was one of the best experiences I had. I met a lot of people: the other people doing volunteer but also the kids ad their families.
Resultado de imagen de niños teleton uruguay
 The Objectives of volunteering in this Center are to promote and sustain the organized participation of youth and adult volunteers from a committed and responsible manner to children and their families, taking as a mission, vision, values ​​and politics of the Teleton Foundation.
This association promote the social inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities, providing warmth and human quality support to children and their families.

They contribute every day to the rehabilitation of children and adolescents through voluntary action responsible.They are leaders in the social with a professional, organized volunteer, specialized in working with disabilities.They have medical specialists in consultation and physical therapists, occupational therapists and other technicians within their area of ​​patient care.
Each volunteer group has a coordinator referent (also a volunteer) who is on the turn with that group.

The people of the group I was placed were very nice and we became good friends including the coordinator.
Every day we went to different sections of the Foundation to help children with different disabilities.

The first day we went to one of the pools the have to swim with the children that had to go this day. we helped them with the exercises they had to do with the help of the specialists and then we had half an hour to play in the water with them.
The children were very nice and happy to be with us, I was too.

I met a girl with some problems in her spine that made her legs work almost nothing. Her name is Florencia and has 5 years old. We became friends and even if i wasn't in her section the other days she came every afternoon to see me before leaving.

Resultado de imagen de niños teleton uruguayThe second and third day my group went to the physiotherapy section, were we helped the patients with exercises for strengthen the muscles. We had a lot of fun but also learned a lot about the patients problems. I learned also how hard can be the life of a kid with so many disabilities in the day to day.

Resultado de imagen de niños teleton uruguayResultado de imagen de niños teleton uruguayResultado de imagen de niños teleton uruguay

The last day we shared all day with the kids and their families. We made like a kermesse made specially for them, thinking about every problem, and played with all the kids. They were very happy and grateful.

I liked a lot this experience and i'm already thinking of coming soon to repeat it

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