lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Un techo para mi país. (09/06)

Resultado de imagen de Techo para mi pais uruguayIt's already Tuesday of the second week!! I can't believe half of the trip already finished.  I don't regret at all having made this trip, it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I knew 
incredible people with big hearts that only thought of helping others.I spent these last days volunteering for Un Techo Para Mi País.It's an organization operating in America Latina and the Caribbean, which seeks to overcome the poverty by actions by its people and young volunteers.The main objective is to overcome poverty and as it's vision says, have a just and poverty-free society where all people have opportunities to develop their skills, exercise and enjoy their rights.

During these days we made a lot of things.
Resultado de imagen de Techo para mi pais uruguay The first three days we went to the department Canelones to help with some constructions to the people in need. We were a big group of people that was leaded by an architect that instructed us how to build the houses. 
I learned a lot because I really didn't know anything about building houses. I think the best of all was seeing the people of which we built their house, they were very happy and grateful and that made us happy too. We shared all the meals with them and thats how we learned a lot of their lives. They all had different stories to tell, they all lived hard lives but didn't loose the hope.
Resultado de imagen de Techo para mi pais uruguay
Resultado de imagen de Techo para mi pais uruguay

The fourth day we went to the principals streets of Montevideo asking for money in name of the foundation to collect as many as possible to afford all the materials of the constructions. 

I think this was another great experience and I am impatient to know what's next! 

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